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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Days That Emphasize Reading

This past Friday at the University I work at, the Learning labs were celebrating National Grammar Day. In an age of Twitter, texting, and poor grammar usage, I thought it positive for there to be a day to promote proper grammar usage. Writing is a skill needed in every career so the best communication practices in writing need to be promoted.

As the day progressed being the Bookhead I am, I wondered to myself if national reading days existed. I went to my search engine and typed national reading, literacy, library days. Sure enough I found a number of them. Just as grammar needs to be promoted and supported to strengthen all of our writing skills, and skills of young people; reading needs to be support as well. Reading helps enrich the mind, build vocabularies, generates creativity. At the University I work at the students who say they hate reading are the ones who are usually not performing well in their classes and wind up in academic difficulties.

In the economic news recently I have heard of the financial troubles of Barnes and Nobles and Borders Books. As reading is deemphasized in society it is hurting bookstores. Bookheads who love their reading need to promote reading so bookstores and libraries do not become endangered entities in our culture. I recently received an email from Borders CEO Mike Edwards since I am a Rewards Member. He mentioned as they go through Chapter 11 proceedings it is still business as usual in their stores. That was good news to hear.

But how do we promote reading to encourage people to break away from their lame TV viewing, web surfing which wastes time. We need to show them the importance of what reading can do in improving their quality of life and that it is a joy to use their minds in creative and critical thinking ways through the power of reading the written word. That is what these national days for reading can do.

I will list some of the websites I found that relate to important days for reading and books throughout the year. Look at their websites and find ideas on how you can promote reading to others. Here they are:

This website emphasizes Children’s Book Week which is May 2-8, 2011. As I have mentioned in the past reading was placed as an important place in my life as each Summer as a child my mother made me be involved in the local library Summer reading program. That is where my life as a Bookhead began and I am still thankful for the local library that sponsored the program. Introducing the joys of reading early is even more important in today’s technological world. Encourage teachers and librarians you know to check out this website. Also buy a book for a young person during that week.

This is a UK website. I love the idea Books for the World. Reading needs to be promoted throughout the world. This year the World Book Day was March 3rd. Even though the organization is based in the United Kingdom we booklovers here in America should check out ideas they are doing there to promote reading and be involved in World Book day.

This is the link to the American Library Association that promotes National Library Week Which will be observed April 10-16, 2011 with the theme, "Create your own story @ your library”. I am a strong believer in the importance of the local library. From my early Summer trips to the local library to my high school days where working in the local library was my first part-time job. Watch for activities in your local library during that week.

This website looks at October being national book month sponsored by the National Book Foundation. This is a website that honors literature and promotes reading to the public. They list many ideas to promote literature and resource links to other literary websites.

So you see there are many days throughout the year where we can promote reading to those around us. You don’t have to become a complete Bookhead like me but do spread the joy of reading to those around you.


Visit the websites listed above. Write down one thing you learned and appreciated from each website. Mark the important dates about reading and books on your calendar and look for local activities at libraries and bookstores during these times.

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