My New Book Living More Than OK

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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The Importance of Keeping Our Free Thought Free

Since we are celebrating the 4th of July this week I thought I would share thoughts on a book that relates to the freedoms we enjoy in the USA. At least for right now we do; but freedom is shaky as there are forces that would like to see our country destroyed to prepare for a dystopian WEF world. I was delighted to purchase a book entitled You Can’t Say That!: The demise of free thought in Australia. It was interesting to hear of the book as I had followed the author, Melinda Richards, on Social Media back in 2020 as I wanted to follow some Australian accounts to see views of life there as our daughter was engaged to a young man in Autralia. We followed the news in Australia during Covid as their plans were to marry but the COVID shut down postponed the wedding for two years. During that time it was shocking to see a country seemingly crazier that ours here in the US. Of course we had Fauci who helped cause the whole Plandemic. Thankfully our daughter did get the chance to go and marry in 2022 once they opened up. Back to the book, in her introduction she is honest and open that the ideas in the book are her opinions which in a free country we should respect and appreciate. Sad to say our world, with the help of “Social Elites”, is creating a world where only the “Official opinions” are allowed. Differing opinions must be canceled even to the point of being thrown in prison like we have seen recently here in the USA of Steve Bannon being sent to prison. The Left crazies are now admitting the main purpose was to shut down his famous, “War Room” podcast. Melinda tackles a number of important issues in the book such as Identity Politics, The Myth of Equality, Re-birth of Colour-coded Society and COVID to name some of the main topics. With each chapter she provides substantiated facts the media often hide and important related stories to help the reader critically think about the issue. The sad reality though in our world is that many people are molded by brainwashed feelings so they cannot understand the facts. My favorite section was the COVID discussion as I remember following what going on here but also watching Australia as I was concerned where our daughter may be moving. In our house we knew early on the whole COVID situation had nefarious roots. During the time we chose to get our information from the doctors the Mainstream press and so called Experts castigated. We stayed away from the planned solution of the vaccine as by then the whole situation was more about control than healing and helping. Her chapter covers many of the insanities that we knew were driven by keeping the public like fearful sheep. Those in charge knew that fear works. At the time of her writing the book she admits there was not much research on the full results on the effects of the vaccine. We now know that the vaccine was more of a harm than a help. More and more reports are coming out of vaccine injuries in the form of heart issues, strokes, neurological issues and even increased death. My wife and I often discuss how Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab of WEF fame must be happy how their plan of depopulation has worked through the vaccine. At the end of the book she gives the readers some tips on what they can do to be change agents to fight back against the elites. And thankfully we see signs of more people waking up and understand the Elites don’t have their best intentions at hand. We have seen farmer revolts in Europe and more people in the USA here waking up. I do hope the same happens in Australia as it is a wonderful country and of course my daughter is living there so I hope Australians wake up instead of being woke. She provides 10 action steps at the end of the book. I won’t list them all as I would rather you buy a copy of her book. I will list a few of my favorites. Understand your beliefs and values and I would say stand up for them. Talk about the issues of the day as your opinion is just as important as anyone else’s. Do not comply is important as we need to live out and stand for our values. Her idea of Becoming informed is so important as well. For example with COVID there was information available but people just obeyed and did not research information for themselves and how many died needlessly due to fearful obedience. In that section I wish she would have listed some good resources to find information from as too many still go to the mainstream news for their information which is a daily brainwashing session. If you want to read a book to open your mind to move you beyond the dystopian nightmare we face in the world I recommend this book by Melanie Richards. Here in the USA I purchased the book on Amazon. Reflection: With the various issues in the world do you just accept the common narrative or look at other sources and critically think about the issue? Take some time and journal about your beliefs and values. Why do you believe what you believe?

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