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Friday, September 19, 2014

Sharing The Beauty of Creativity

From Ruma's blog

I enjoy taking photographs but do not consider myself that good at it. I am often enamored by photos taken by professionals as they capture the true artistic skill with their cameras. With their talent they brighten our lives by sharing the beauty of the world they capture with their camera lens. The creativity revealed in their photography can help us in appreciating the world around us in new ways.

One blog site I have enjoyed for the past couple years because of the beautiful photos that are listed there is Calligraphy in the Landscape:
The blog is put together by Ruma, who is from Japan. The blog by Ruma provides a visual tour of Japan using amazing photographs to capture the beauty of the country. The photos are amazing to sit and view. Most are nature photos which show the beauty of creation. Ruma also provides positive thoughts that encourage the soul. These thoughts or poems fit well with the photo that is being displayed. Since I list the weblink to Ruma’s blog I encourage you to go view some of the photos and reflect meditatively on some of the writings there. Two of the pictures I list here come from Ruma’s blog.

From Ruma's blog

I enjoy the cloud picture the most as it reminds me of the Cloud Appreciation Society. Ever since I have visited their website, it gives me an appreciation and reminder to relax and enjoy the beauty found in the skies. There is something peaceful and relaxing about looking up at the blue skies and the clouds.

Thinking over photography as art because of the beauty it captures reminds me of the power of art to enjoy and to heal. As Rollo May in his book, My Quest For Beauty states, “Good art wounds as well as delights. It must, because our defenses against the truth are wound so tightly around us. But as art chips away at our defenses, it also opens us to healing potentialities that transcend intellectual games and ego-preserving strategies.” There is healing potential in photography. I hope you experience some healing as you enjoy Ruma’s website.

Photo I took with my camera

Reflection: What are your favorite types of photos? As you looked over Ruma’s blog site which photo and saying touched you the most?

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